Park Poétik is contagious and spreads like a fungus. It invites the inhabitants and the socio-cultural fabric of Forest and Saint-Gilles, and by extension all the people of Brussels, to share the public space and thus to create a vibrant and lively city full of wonder, where people feel connected to each other.
By resolutely opting for the public space, it is possible to extend our playground to other areas of Brussels, because we are not tied to one place.
Park Poétik wants to develop a method and an organizational structure that will allow other municipalities or urban partners to become "stakeholders" and to get involved in their territory. In this way, Park Poétik wants to contribute to a sustainable, liveable but above all dynamic city. We reuse know-how and good practices, and think of the city as a space for living and shared habitat: through collective work, we propose to our "dreamers" to approach the city as a space for play and experimentation where everything can be imagined. Together, we make it a verb and Poetiken we the Streets!
Steering Committee
WIELS, Dienst Nederlandstalige aangelegenheden – Gemeente Vorst, Dienst Nederlandstalige aangelegenheden – Gemeente Sint-Gillis, GC Pianofabriek, GC Ten Weyngaert, Service Culture Saint-Gilles, le Jacques Franck (centre culturel de Saint-Gilles), BRASS (centre culturel de Forest)
Logistic partners and media sponsors festival
Vlaams Minister bevoegd voor Brussel, VGC, COCOF, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Nationale Loterij, BRUZZ, Visit Brussels, CERA, Demos, EFFE Label 2019-2020 sociale, educatieve & artistieke partners festival 2019 Ateliers Claus, BADJE, Bibliothèque Saint-Gilles, Bib Sint-Gillis, Biblif Forest, Bib Vorst, Boite-à-Clous, BON, Bras Dessus Bras Dessous, Brede School Sint-Gillis, Brede School Vorst, CEMôme, Concertation asbl, CPAS-OCMW (1060), CPAS-OCMW (1190), CUISTAX, Cultureghem, CVO Lethas, De Lork, Ensemble pour 1060, Femma Quartier, Ginko, Het Huys, Jeugd&Muziek Brussel, Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles, Kadanja, Kneph, Maison des Cutures de Saint-Gilles, Medeber Teatro, Miro LDC, Medina asbl, MUS-E Belgium, Radio Panik, Rode Antraciet, Solidarcité, Transformathèque, Une Maison en +, Urca asbl, Zinneke betrokken scholen bij voortrajecten: Athénée royal André Thomas, BS Balder (1060), Bronschool (1060), BS De Puzzel (1190), BS De Wereldbrug (1190), BS Parkschool (1190), Ecole du Parvis (1060), Ecole Ulenspiegel (1060), Ecole des 4 Saisons (1060), Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel, Odisee hogeschool logistieke partners, mediapartners & steunpartners festival 2019 Aires Libres, Art2Work, Brasserie de la Senne, Brasserie Delsart, BXL Propreté, CBAI, Collecactif, Green Corner Toilet, Kidsgazette, Le Palais des Sciences, Lochten&Germeau, MCA recycling, Muntpunt, Paspartoe, Robinetto, Rock the City, Sabbattini, Tridea, Vivaqua, Vorst Nationaal