Who are we?
A poetic, participatory summer of arts in Sint-Gillis & Vorst!
“Om Park Poétik te vinden hoef je niet te zoeken! Het is een festival dat zijn publiek opzoekt in de openbare ruimte: in de straten, op pleinen, in parken en in wijken van Vorst en Sint-Gillis. Kunstenaars verkennen er de verbeelding en de creativiteit om inwoners te ontmoeten.
A summer full of wonder awaits you! We spread poetry in the broadest sense of the word. Everything that can move you, that stimulates dialogue or creates wonder has its place in our programme.
The theme of the summer, "what means together?", will be the common thread for a host of surprising interventions during this fourth edition. We will create several "nests", where artists and performers will set up little by little in a street, a park or a square to create joyful, surprising and colorful zones.
We will create several "nests" or "Nest", where artists and performers will settle little by little; in a street, a park or a square we will be there to create joyful, surprising zones, full of colors and meeting. Water, a powerful and always moving element, water as an energy to defend, will be honored to inspire the amazing activities that will populate the streets during the summer. We will also imagine forms that use sound, the airwaves and radio, to create spaces for sound creation, expression and listening in the public space.
And finally, not to forget the famous "Spiral", we have also planned stealthy or explosive passages in the streets: parades, marches, music in motion... ephemeral interventions, which you are more likely to encounter by chance in the streets if you are outside. And you are invited to participate on the spot!
Park Poétik is a collaboration of Team Poétik, Gemeente Vorst, Gemeente Sint-Gillis, WIELS, Le BRASS Centre Culturel de Forest, GC Pianofabriek, GC Ten Weyngaert & all the Poétikizen.n.e.s.
Park Poétik: mediation & participation
With Park Poétik, we want to radically change the way we mediate the public! We no longer ask the public to come to us, but we go to the public where they are... in the streets, in the squares, in the neighbourhoods, ready to explore and develop the value of the encounter to the maximum!
To this end, we want to radically change our working methods towards more and more participative processes.

Our own ecosystem
For this we want to radically change our working methods towards more and more participatory processes. We are setting up a network of Dreamcatcheurs who together dream and create Park Poétik. This network is made up of artists, associations, volunteers, residents and cultural structures from both municipalities. These actors are organised into work cells according to the projects they want to create.
The role of Park Poétik is to coordinate this network in order to facilitate the realisation of the dreams and wishes of the inhabitants. Together with the multitude of partners, we want to rediscover the paths of possibility and coordinate them; we want to act as a facilitator and let organisations, artists and residents participate.

A little history
Since 2013, SuperVliegSuperMouche transformed the park of Forest every year for a weekend into a playful and poetic festival for thousands of visitors from young to old. Due to the covid-19 crisis, the 2020 festival was cancelled, but we turned the situation around and created Park Poétik! Enabling encounters, creating connections, generating humanity. Those were and remain our goals!