Poétik Assembly | 4/12/2023
Op 4 december komen we samen om te dromen over volgende zomer. We blikken terug en we blikken vooruit. Als je je nog niet hebt ingeschreven, vul dan het formulier in:
Denk je nog aan iemand die jij graag zou uitnodigen voor de Poétik Assembly? Aarzel niet om deze uitnodiging door te sturen.
Hoe gaat dit in zijn werking? Hieronder lees je meer. Kom vrijblijvend langs!
PROGRAMMA : 16u tot 19u + drink achteraf
in WIELS (Van Volxemlaan 354, 1190 Vorst)
16:00 Hello + Surprise “Tête-à-tête in de Wolken” by Productions & zonen
16:30 Het woord aan de poétikizen·ne·s: Dada Boumedien-Zellat, Monica Lucaccioni, Mustapha Aboulkhir, Tifenn Maudire
16:50 Filmprojectie “Park Poétik Kinshasa” (15”)
17:10 Flashback & uitleg over de evaluaties van Park Poétik 2023
17:45 Stemming nieuwe ideeën Park Poétik 2024
18:15 Dreamcatching (het oogsten van jullie dromen)
18:45 Outro
19:00 Soep + drink & concert: Trio Bolingo (congolese rumba)
doorlopend (16u > 19u)
– Radio Poétik door Marie-Rose Venneman
– Babbelbox door Judith Du Faux
All those who design Park Poétik and are involved in brainstorming sessions and the elaboration of the poetic interventions are called the "dreamcatchers". They start working after the summer and work out new or adapted dreams on the basis of previous edition(s) and determine the theme and the line of content for the next edition in order to guarantee coherence. This process takes over 6 months. They also reach out to new or oldcomers. The "dreamcatchers" are believers in the power of participatory work and form a motley but non-exclusive group of artists, locals, volunteers, socio-cultural organisations and local authorities.
The "dreamcatchers" group works organically and remains open and accessible to anyone who wants to contribute to the collective story. As the process progresses, working groups are set up around certain poetic interventions with a similar participatory approach or form. In this way, different concepts emerge that are, in turn, further elaborated. The "concept makers" choose which concept they want to commit to. The coordination team acts as a guardian of the participative process and wants to contribute to talent development and offer opportunities for people to grow (coaching, training, temporary employment, etc.). The incubator is the beating heart of Park Poétik to create social impact.
Curious ? You want to participate to the Poétik Assembly 2023, write us at lisa@parkpoetik.be