Dit duo werkte al eerder samen met MUS-E. Ze presenteren hun project deze zomer binnen Park Poétik.
Open ateliers: MUS-E – Square Jordens
Participative workshop
The "Chercheurs d'eau" project highlights the liquid element and makes invisible water visible in our city. During these workshops, a series of sculptures will be erected in the public space, linking Saint-Gilles and Forest like a stream.
In search of meaning through street walks and meetings with local ambassadors (hairdressers, entertainers, shopkeepers). Afterwards, we try to formalize these reflections through a sculpture or another form chosen by the children.
MUS-E creates its sculpture in a closed studio with children from the neighbourhood. Then in the afternoon, we will find ourselves just in front of the café La Vieille Chechette and we could really use your help! Come off and learn more about the water of the Leybeek, water in everyday life and help create the water sculpture “Jordens”.