

    KNEPH (vzw) is een artistiek atelier waar via eigenzinnige reflectie en multimediale actie diepgaande artistieke processen kunnen gerealiseerd worden.

Park Poétik

Organised by

Park Poétik


Montenegrostraat 144, 1190 Vorst
Place Bethléem

Location 2

Place Bethléem
1060 Sint-Gillis


17 - 23 July, 2023


09:00 - 17:30


een spektakel in co-creatie & open zangateliers de chants

KNEPH operates in the third week of July with TWOooooTER : a show based on urban stories, mythological aquatic creatures, underground creatures... We're planning a co-creation show + open singing sessions.  The MARRONNIER (Forest Parc) and the Jardin de l'imprimerie (Forest) will be the venues.

What are we going to create?
Theater: script, acting, costumes, characters... Images, music and singing.

Led by KNEPH, an artistic studio for insiders and outsiders where profound artistic processes can be realised through multimedia action.

For the singing workshops, we move each day at 16:00 to the Marronnier, the old Chestnut Tree in Parc de Forest. No need to sign up for this. Just show up! Twice there will also be an Eau Sacré ceremony led by Antukuyen FJ.

When? Where? And for whom?

17 > 23 Juli – 9:00 – 16:00 – créatie-ion de spectacle
at Jardin de l’Imprimerie, Rue de l'Imprimerie 5, 1190 Vorst
17 > 23 Juli – 16:00 – 17:30 – open zangateliers
near the Horse Chestnut in the high part of Forest Park
Fiesta Poétik: July 23/ Place Bethlehem - 4:00 pm
Fiesta Poétik: August 26/ Avenue du Roi
all ages, in all languages, free


it is advisable to register for the whole week
mail to

More info
KNEPH – 0487 24 84 05 – –

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