

    Cattherine, une intervenante artistique et conteuse pour enfants et Philippe Cap, Musicien/ Luthier, concepteur & créateur
    d’instruments de musique, vont travailler ensemble cet été pour créer une sculpture musicale sur la place Marie Janson à St. Gilles.

Park Poétik

Organised by

Park Poétik
Place Marie Janson


Place Marie Janson
1060 Sint-Gillis


9 - 13 August, 2023

Objets à la dérive

Amadeo Kollectif

Amadeo Kollectif is a creative workshop brimming with collective experiments that stimulate the imagination. These creative and artistic experiments are professionally supervised by artists, educators and craftsmen.

Objects adrift: using salvaged materials brought in by local residents, we'll build an aquatic sound sculpture together. One workshop will be devoted to the structure itself, helping it grow and take shape. The other workshop will be devoted to the small sound elements that will be attached to it. The structure will be fed by the stream running beneath Place Marie Janson.

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