Home Program Nest Agora

Organised by

Maison des Cultures Saint-Gilles


14 July, 2022 - 25 August, 2022


Gehele dag

Nest Agora

The Agora is a piece of urban furniture created within the framework of the Urban Renewal Contract: a circular wooden bench that can take the form of a giant picnic table or bleachers to become a spectator of an urban intervention or simply to meet between neighbours. Divided into two parts, one arc of the circle is located in the garden of the Marais Wiels (near BRASS and WIELS) and the other on the forecourt of the Maison des Cultures de Saint-Gilles in Rue de Belgrade, symbolising the union of these three houses around the "Hors les muren" project.

Throughout the summer, these two places will host poetic and friendly activities for all audiences: initiations to herbalism, playgrounds for toddlers, musical activities for young people and an intergenerational bingo.

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