Cycl.one est une ASBL composée de 8 acteur.rices évoluant dans le domaine textile. Né d’intérêts
communs pour la revalorisation de déchets, le réemploi et le détournement, notre collectif façonne
différents types d’activités et de services conçus à partir de matériaux souples.
Artiste textile, Maureen valorise le faire comme une mise en mouvement, un élan. Par les pratiques du
textile, de l’animation et du féminisme, elle propose des outils pour un processus d’émancipation et
d’affirmation de soi, avec pour question centrale Comment créer du lien ?ASBL Cycl.one en collaboration avec Maureen Dodémont. Animateurices : Ines Farina, Tifenn Maudire,
Elfie Poiré, Vincent Dumilieu, Maureen Dodémont.
Observatorium#1 Cycl.one
The observatory is the habitat of a strange bird that invites us to observe its environment and the beings that walk around in it. It invites us to ask ourselves questions: What are they doing? How do they use this place? What do they say about the Marais?
For a period of one week, a strange bird lives there. A wicker structure, which functions as an egg-shaped shed, whose outer layer, called the cover, is interchangeable and will be the artistic creation of its resident.
Three beings will reside there, and will invite you to discover their universe and their way of seeing things. The observatory will change location each time and will invite you to make other observations. A new resident, a new place, another point of view, new observations.
Artists observatory
1.07 – 7.07 Observatoire Cycl.one
7.07 – 14.07 Observatoire Rebeca Fernandez Lopez & le BRASS (A cover created during a crochet workshop)
28.07 – 4.08 Observatoire Ramona & Rosa
Park Poétik Concept
Nest Marais
01/07 – 04/08
For one summer, the "Drôles d'Oiseaux" will be added to the already rich and present bird population of the Marais Wiels, a former industrial wasteland nestled a stone's throw from the Gare du Midi, where nature has been reinvited over the years around a lake. Through artistic interventions, both visual and performative, these beings - flying or out of the ordinary - will engage in a dialogue on the human and non-human cohabitation specific to this place, which is so precious for its neighbourhood.