Après plusieurs formations en théâtre et participation
active à plusieurs pièces de théâtre, il s’est formé en
arts du cirque de manière autodidactique. Avec ses
compétences acquises tout au long de son
apprentissage, il a décidé de créer des spectacles
adressés a un large public, et d’ainsi lier le théâtre et le
cirque sur des thème environnementaux et sociétaux.
Workshops with Yoann Desagher
The work aims to represent a character who links nature and plastic, to highlight the role of water in the cycle of life. The structure will represent a funnel-headed character made from totally recycled objects (fan-style).
The work will evolve over time, depending on the artistic contributions of the participants. It aims to highlight the role of water and its ability to give life in a world increasingly polluted by plastic.
The aim is to think about the importance of water and its impact on the environment. What is the impact of water pollution on the environment? What is the impact of plastic pollution on water?
Park Poétik Concept
"Water Seekers" spotlights the liquid element and makes invisible water visible in our city. Throughout the summer, water will be the precious, binding material that brings us together during weeks of workshops in which everyone can participate. In the course of these workshops, a series of sculptures will be erected in public spaces, connecting Saint-Gilles and Forest like a stream.