Margaux Fabris
Mona Cornelis
Shadowchasers and dreamcatchers
Accidental passers-by in the street appear and disappear, just like their dreams and thoughts. Mona and Margaux ask them to take a moment to stand still and outline their presence. With pavement chalk they follow their shadows and in words they catch their dreams. Along this route a trace will stay that will lead you to Marais WIELS.
On Wednesday 3 August and Tuesday 4 August, a workshop will be held where people can collage and make things with the collected words and images.
Park Poétik Concept
Nest Marais
01/07 – 04/08
For one summer, the "Drôles d'Oiseaux" will be added to the already rich and present bird population of the Marais Wiels, a former industrial wasteland nestled a stone's throw from the Gare du Midi, where nature has been reinvited over the years around a lake. Through artistic interventions, both visual and performative, these beings - flying or out of the ordinary - will engage in a dialogue on the human and non-human cohabitation specific to this place, which is so precious for its neighbourhood.