In 2012 when the world threatens to collapse, Henry Debay, finds one of his old music tapes. As soon as he took it in his hand, a feeling of joy immediately invaded him. Surprised by the power of this experience, he decides to show it to a friend, then to another friend, etc., …
On that moment he is sure that Audio Tapes are a source of joy and must be protected by all means! He become Daddy K7
From meeting to a proposal, “Daddy K7” takes shape and gradually becomes an artist project motivated by the mission :
“Protect the Audio Tapes from destruction!” Some go so far as to say it good be the solution to save the world. Other artistes started to work with him and help him to amplify his action.
Capteurs de Vibes
"Capturing vibes
Riding their bikes, equipped with a simple sound-capturing and broadcasting machine, Daddy K7's music lovers aim to capture the vibrations that make up this "ensemble" and spread them around the city, an echo of urban chaos put in the form of a sound capsule to be listened to now and in the future. It's a mission for Saint-Gilles and Forest, where languages, cultures and histories constantly intersect. Our aim will be to capture as many sound vibes as possible. Put them in a time capsule and give a glimpse of what it means to "be together".
How do we do it?
How do we do it? We fill audio cassettes, SD cards and voice memos with sound. Dedications, music, poetry, writing, rap, testimonials - anything that can be heard in the commune is likely to be sucked into our machine. After each session, a mix of the best sound bites will be sent to Radio Poétik.