An Vandevelde
Lilith & Mo
Lilith & Mo vzw is een artistieke organisatie die projecten ontwikkelt in de publieke ruimte, waarbij kunst en participatie centraal staan. In de trajecten rondom hun artistieke installaties hebben ze aandacht voor lokaal talent en samenwerking met socio(-artistieke) organisaties.
Het doel is om de creativiteit van ‘de gewone mens’ te prikkelen en om te zetten in een artistiek hoogstaand resultaat. Daarnaast streeft ze naar sociale cohesie en verbondenheid.
The Poëteek
The Poëteek : city collector's office
From 03/08 to 07/08 – from 13h00 to 17h
“The Poëteek” is the artistic project of Lilith & Mo. For one week, this city collector’s office will be stranded on a square (from 03/08 to 07/08). During that time it will go in search of the accidental poetry of this location. By means of small experimental assignments, residents and accidental passers-by help build an archive of small poetiq details.
Will you come and have a look ?
Participants can carry out 10 missions per day, but they can also carry out only one search. For each mission, you are provided with the necessary equipment: camera, magnifying glass, bottle, fake moustache and newspaper, etc.
Like an urban collector, you explore the environment with all your senses. The results are collected, documented, classified and stored in the Poëteek.
The aim is to make hidden beauties visible by looking at the parc in a different way. Together we are building a collection of small surprises, new discoveries, warm encounters and artistic sparkles… which will be exhibited in the Nest Marconi on Friday 12 August
Park Poétik Concept
NEST Marconi
This year Park Poétik will be once again in Parc Marconi! The result of a beautiful collaboration between numerous associations of Forest, artists and inhabitants of the district, #NestMarconi will offer all generations of the public, children, adults and seniors, creative activities. Everybody welcome to dream, have fun and build together.
The various workshops, convivial moments, shows and concerts will be based on the concept of the Poethèque, the office of urban collectors, in which everyone will be invited to collaborate and to discover this magnificent little urban park from a new perspective.