Ea Varna, walking tree
Ea Varna is an ancient tree troll/elf who protects the forests. He likes to make contact with people. His deep voice is always cheerful and he loves to laugh. This makes him a lot less scary for the little ones.
Ea Varna is a very beautiful act that has been enchanting people at large and small events since 2006. Both his costume and his voice but also the performance make this act very strong. He is mobile and plays among the people.
Park Poétik Concept
Nest Marais
For one summer, the "Drôles d'Oiseaux" will be added to the already rich and present bird population of the Marais Wiels, a former industrial wasteland nestled a stone's throw from the Gare du Midi, where nature has been reinvited over the years around a lake. Through artistic interventions, both visual and performative, these beings - flying or out of the ordinary - will engage in a dialogue on the human and non-human cohabitation specific to this place, which is so precious for its neighbourhood.